Being grounded: A conversation with Selena Uibo

We’ve been yarning to the Honorable Selena Uibo, mother, partner and passionate Nunggubuyu woman who has not stopped advocating for Aboriginal disadvantage.

Her professional life has seen her win awards for excellence in teaching, through to winning a seat in the NT election in 2016.  Since then the trajectory of Selena’s professional life has been unstoppable.

In this episode of the Queen Be Podcast, we caught up with the Honourable Selena Uibo.

Selena has faced personal challenges, including two miscarriages and the passing of her mother, but has found strength in her work as a Minister in the Northern Territory Government. 

Whether in her current role or her previous work in education, the importance of community and connection is a key driver in everything Selena does.


Resilience: Overcoming Heartbreak and Finding Hope

Growing up in a rural community, Selena learned the value of education from her parents. This foundation shaped her ambition to become a teacher and make a difference in the lives of Aboriginal Territorians. However, her journey has not been without its challenges. Selena experienced the heartbreak of two miscarriages, one of which occurred just three weeks before her mother’s passing. In the face of these tragedies, Selena found hope and strength through the support of her loved ones and her unwavering commitment to her work.

“I didn’t want to not tell that story. I didn’t want it to feel like it was a guilt thing or a sense of shame… To not share that journey felt like a bigger betrayal to me because it’s a part of who I am, a part of my journey, my husband’s journey,” Selena shared.

Through her openness and vulnerability, Selena has shattered the stigma surrounding miscarriage and created a space for others to share their own stories. 


Leveraging position to advocate for positive change

Selena’s journey as a Minister has allowed her to advocate for positive change in her community and beyond. Her role as a teacher-turned-politician has given her a unique perspective on the challenges faced by regional and remote communities. Through her work, she has been able to address issues such as access to education, food security, and infrastructure development.

As Selena explained, “If there’s a way to influence and impact positive change, not just for my family group, but for a wider cohort, how do I do that? And my vehicle, which I thought was the best way to do that, was to become a member of parliament.

By using her platform to amplify the voices of her constituents, Selena has been able to bring attention to the unique challenges faced by regional and remote communities. 


Moving forward

As Selena looks to the future, she continues to advocate for the betterment of her constituents and the wider community. Her dedication to her work and her unwavering commitment to her family are a testament to her character and the impact she has already made. Now with a newborn in tow,  Selena reminds us that we can do things differently and integrate family into our work lives in a way that benefits all.

Links to Selena